Viruses, Ransomware & Phishing, Oh My!ย 

IT threats are wide ranging and ever-changing. Take a look at our 3 part series on keeping up with computer threats in the digital age.

Viruses, Ransomware & Phishing, Oh My! Part 1

Threats to computer systems are constantly evolving and getting more advanced, while also causing more serious problems. In the early days, it was enough to have a basic antivirus program on your computer that would stop viruses and malware from affecting your computer…


Viruses, Ransomware & Phishing, Oh My! Part 2

Ransomware is something that has been in the news a lot lately. As more of our systems and services have an online component, criminal syndicates are creating ways to take advantage of this for financial gain. A ransomware program has the ability to gain access to a system and spread, it works away in the background of a device and, in essence, can lock you out of your data by encrypting it or even moving it…


Viruses, Ransomware & Phishing, Oh My! Part 3

Phishing attacks attempt to trick you into providing hackers or scammers with your information. This might be your passwords, bank details or personal information. A phishing attack often arrives in the form of an email with a clickable link. The email may look like a legitimate email from a friend or trusted company or it could look like a simple link to a shared file…