The Silicon Shortage

What does the chip shortage mean for your business

You probably already know but the world is going through somewhat of a silicon chip shortage. It has been affecting auto-makers, appliances, LED lighting and of course electronics such as TVs, smart devices, desktops, printers, laptops and some accessories. Shortages are expected to last until 2023 and perhaps beyond.

What has Caused the Shortage?

The shortage has been caused by the perfect-storm of factors including COVID delays and adverse weather at different places around the world. Supply became greater than demand and manufacturers have found it hard to keep up.

So what does that mean for your business?

If you have not already been affected then you need to start planning for your business. As the range of affected products is quite broad across consumer electronics and technology, if you are considering purchasing or upgrading equipment in the next few years, it is best to plan early. Get in quickly to secure the equipment you need to grow your business.

We are currently seeing most major supplier’s stock levels being impacted in some way. Some popular products have a wait time of up to 3-6 months. You need to be building that delay into your planning.

Luckily there are key products that we sell in all of the main categories that are in stock now. Get in touch today to find out what products we currently have in our warehouse or take a look at the Geniosity Online Store to see stock levels on computers, printers, scanners, networking or displays.

Stock levels are subject to change quite quickly, so get in touch to secure something today!

Further Reading

What the global shortage of computer chips means for you – ABC News

Chip shortage is starting to have major real-world consequences

Why the chip shortage drags on and on… and on | Ars Technica

Global semiconductor shortage explained | CarsGuide

From Ford trucks to Xbox, the chip shortage is still causing problems – Vox

4 Critical Industries Affected by the Chip Shortage