Microsoft takes the pain out of updates


If you’re like most users, system updates can be a real hassle. They often take forever, and those large downloads can quickly consume your bandwidth and storage space.

But there’s some good news: Microsoft is about to simplify things with the upcoming Windows 11 24H2 update.

Introducing ‘checkpoint cumulative updates,’ a term that might sound technical but is actually quite straightforward and beneficial.

Typically, Windows updates are delivered monthly in the form of cumulative updates, which bundle all the latest fixes and enhancements into a single, often sizable, download. These can take a while to download and install.

With the new checkpoint cumulative updates, Microsoft is changing the game. Instead of waiting for a large update, your system will receive smaller, more frequent updates that build on the last major update or checkpoint.

What does this mean for your business? It’s excellent news—you’ll spend less time waiting for updates to complete and more time focusing on your work.

For those with limited internet connections, these smaller updates are a real advantage. They use less bandwidth, reducing the likelihood of interrupting other activities, like video calls.

The best part? All of this occurs automatically through Windows Update. There’s no need for you to do anything differently. Updates will be applied in the background, keeping your system running smoothly without disrupting your workflow.

This isn’t Microsoft’s first effort to streamline updates. When Windows 11 debuted, they introduced new compression technology that cut update sizes by 40%. With the 24H2 update, they’re taking efficiency even further.

It’s also important to note that while this update system will be standard for Windows 11 and the upcoming Windows Server 2025, it’s unlikely to be rolled out for Windows 10, which is approaching its end of life. This makes upgrading to Windows 11 even more compelling if you haven’t done so already.

Looking to migrate to Windows 11 seamlessly? We’re here to help.

Lost for words? Draft with Copilot can help


Microsoft’s Edge browser is set to introduce a groundbreaking feature that promises to simplify your life and that of your employees significantly. The ‘Draft with Copilot’ is an AI-powered tool designed to instantly generate text on any given topic.

When using Edge, if you encounter an empty text field, such as an email body or a comment box, simply right-click. An option labeled ‘Draft with Copilot’ will appear.

Upon clicking this, a window will emerge. Enter the subject or topic for which you need text, press ‘Generate,’ and observe as Copilot works its magic. Shortly, you’ll receive text tailored to the specified topic.

The tone and length of the text can be adjusted to match your preference. Whether you desire a more formal or casual tone, or require a longer or shorter text, Copilot can accommodate.

Time equates to money, and ‘Draft with Copilot’ is designed to conserve both. Consider the amount of time your team dedicates to composing daily texts. Copilot simplifies the process of drafting emails or creating social media posts.

Moreover, Copilot not only accelerates your writing but also ensures the text is grammatically sound and well-organized. This feature is particularly beneficial when writing in a non-native language.

Currently, this feature supports only US English, but plans are underway to extend it to additional languages.

A word of caution: it’s crucial to review the output. Some critics argue that AI-generated text can seem somewhat generic. Personalizing the content or incorporating specific details may enhance engagement with your audience.

This feature is presently available in the Edge Canary preview build and is undergoing refinement.

Microsoft is progressively incorporating Copilot into a broader range of Windows applications, enhancing the accessibility and versatility of these AI tools across various platforms. The future is poised to offer even more AI-powered conveniences that will streamline our digital experiences.

Haven’t incorporated Copilot into your business operations yet? We can help.

Microsoft wants you to pay for updates

Microsoft has recently made a significant announcement regarding the future of Windows 10. Beginning on the 14th of October 2025, they will discontinue the provision of free support and security updates for this operating system.

While the notion of paying for updates may raise a few eyebrows, it’s important to view this decision within a broader context. By 2025, Windows 10 will have been around for a decade, and it’s highly likely that Microsoft will have already introduced Windows 12. Furthermore, Windows 11 is already available today.

Managing multiple outdated operating systems can be a substantial task, even for a tech giant like Microsoft.

Although 2025 may seem distant, it’s prudent to start evaluating your options now. Here are the choices available to you:

Option 1: Transition to Windows 11

Microsoft’s preferred course of action is for users to migrate to Windows 11. It boasts impressive features and will continue to receive free updates until it reaches its end of life.

Option 2: Stay with Windows 10 and subscribe for security updates

You can opt to remain on Windows 10, but you will need to pay for security updates (though new features won’t be included). The exact cost remains uncertain, but it’s likely to be a subscription model for monthly updates.

Option 3: Remain on Windows 10 without updates (not recommended)

Certainly, you can continue using Windows 10 without paying, but this is not advisable. Without updates, your business’s PCs will become vulnerable to security threats and issues. Furthermore, without Microsoft’s support to address problems, even tech experts like us will have no recourse for assistance. We strongly discourage choosing this option.

You have until October 2025 to make your decision, so there’s no need to rush. However, if you wish to ensure your business’s success in the coming years, we highly recommend considering the upgrade to Windows 11 sooner rather than later. You’ll immediately benefit from some features that can enhance your processes and streamline your team’s tasks.

If you are contemplating the transition to Windows 11 or exploring other possibilities, please know that we are here to facilitate a smooth and hassle-free transition. Feel free to get in touch with us; we’re ready to assist you.

Is that Microsoft email actually a phishing attack?

You’re probably well aware of the dangers lurking in your email inbox, but have you ever thought that an email appearing to be from Microsoft could actually be a disaster waiting to happen?

Microsoft, a brand we all recognise and trust, has unfortunately become the top target for phishing scams. In these scams, cybercriminals send you an email with a dodgy link or file, aiming to nick your data.

While Microsoft isn’t at fault here, it’s crucial for you and your team to be extra vigilant for anything that looks fishy.

In Q2 of 2023, Microsoft took the lead as the most impersonated brand by scammers, making up a staggering 29% of all brand phishing attempts. This puts them well ahead of Google in second place (19.5%) and Apple in third (5.2%). Combined, these three tech giants are responsible for over half of all brand impersonation attacks.

So, what does this mean for your business?

Even though there’s been a noticeable uptick in fraudulent emails targeting Windows and Microsoft 365 users globally, being observant can go a long way in shielding you from identity theft and fraudulent activities.

While the brands being mimicked may change over time, the tactics used by cybercriminals often remain the same. They’ll use convincing logos, colours, and fonts, and their phishing scams often feature URLs that look almost identical to the real thing. However, a closer look will usually reveal typos and mistakes—dead giveaways of a phishing attempt.

One of the latest scams warns you of unusual activity on your Microsoft account and directs you to a harmful link. These links are crafted to snatch everything from your login details to your payment information.

And it’s not just tech companies that are popular targets. Many scammers have shifted their focus to financial services like online banking, gift cards, and e-commerce. Wells Fargo and Amazon also made it to the top five in Q2 2023, accounting for 4.2% and 4% of brand phishing attempts, respectively.

How can you safeguard your business?

The way to protect your business is more straightforward than you might imagine. The most effective defence against phishing is not just individual vigilance but also equipping your staff with the right training. Teach them to pause, observe, and critically examine emails for red flags such as inconsistent URLs, domains, and textual errors. By making sure everyone on your team knows what to look out for, you’re adding an extra layer of security against these types of attacks.

If we can help you keep your team aware of the risks, get in touch.

Microsoft Teams for Business

By Daniel Smith

Collaboration software is getting better all of the time and Microsoft Teams is steadfast becoming the tool of choice. We are spoiled for choice in a market saturated with chat and collaboration tools (not a bad problem to have).

One of its obvious strengths is the integration into the overall Microsoft ecosystem. By 2019, 91 of the Fortune 100 companies was already using Microsoft Teams*.

The unified platform allows smooth integration with employees, content and tools – all in the same place where you are already working. When implemented successfully, the boost in efficiency will be felt throughout you workplace; as companies move to be more mobile, global, and social.

With the average employee spending 80 percent of their work time collaborating with others, the importance of a seamlessly integrated communication tool should not be underestimated.

By now, in 2022, most people have experienced at least one meeting in Microsoft Teams. This communication tool has become synonymous with remote work collaboration.

For some organisations though, their use of Microsoft Teams stops there – with that excellent video communication component. This only scratches the surface in terms of what Microsoft Teams can do. A whole host of plugins, spaces automations and workflows can be implemented to make your work easier and more streamlined.   

If your business is not using Microsoft Teams, then it should be; and if you are using it, are you using it to its full potential?

Fortunately, the days of emailing around different versions of the same spreadsheet are fading away as more and more companies embrace true, collaborative teamwork.Â