ChatGPT & the Future of AI for Business

machine learning

An online Artificial Intelligence chatbot has recently been making waves as a simple example of just how much AI is set to revolutionise business. You can read more about its simplicity and ease of use on our post –AI for Small to Medium Business with ChatGPT.

So, what can an AI Chatbot tell you about itself? Well, we asked it, via the simple text prompt and you can read the completely AI generated response below.

The Prompt: 

Can you please write an article about Chat GPT and the future of AI for business?

ChatGPT’s Reponse:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a topic of interest for many years, but in recent years, its potential to transform the business world has become increasingly clear. One of the most exciting developments in this area is the rise of language models, such as Chat GPT. In this article, we will examine what Chat GPT is, how it works, and what its potential implications are for businesses in the future.

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a language model developed by OpenAI. It is trained on vast amounts of text data, and its goal is to generate human-like text in response to input. Chat GPT can be used for a wide range of applications, including text generation, chatbots, language translation, and question answering.

How Does Chat GPT Work?

Chat GPT works by using a deep learning algorithm known as a Transformer. The Transformer uses a large neural network to analyze input text and generate an appropriate response. The neural network is trained on a massive dataset, allowing it to learn patterns in language and respond in a way that is coherent and relevant to the input.

The Potential Implications of Chat GPT for Business

The potential implications of Chat GPT for business are significant. Here are just a few of the ways in which AI and language models like Chat GPT are likely to impact the business world:

  1. Customer Service – Chat GPT can be used to create intelligent chatbots that can provide customers with quick, accurate, and personalized answers to their questions. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction and increased sales.
  2. Marketing and Sales – Chat GPT can also be used to create marketing and sales copy that is personalized and tailored to the needs of individual customers. This can lead to improved engagement and increased conversions.
  3. Knowledge Management – Chat GPT can be used to create knowledge management systems that allow employees to access information and resources quickly and easily. This can lead to improved efficiency and increased productivity.
  4. Content Generation – Chat GPT can be used to generate high-quality content, such as articles, reports, and even books, reducing the time and effort required to produce such content.


In conclusion, Chat GPT and the rise of AI language models is likely to have a profound impact on the business world. From customer service and marketing to knowledge management and content generation, the potential applications of this technology are vast and exciting. As businesses embrace these technologies, they will find themselves better equipped to compete in the fast-paced digital landscape of the future.

-ChatGPT (2022)

As a simple example the above text, which we have not edited or changed, demonstrates the current potential uses of AI for your business now. As AI growth is exponential, we can only expect more impressive advancements, more quickly.

Implement AI and machine learning into your business with Geniosity. 

It is an interesting time to be involved in technology- let us assist you in navigating the tech landscape and grow your business by getting in touch today!

Read More:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Small to Medium Business with ChatGPT

ChatGPT image

The implementation of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning for small to medium businesses is becoming more accessible all of the time. Still, for many people, the concept of AI has remained something of an abstract idea. 

For most people engagement with AI usually forms part of a larger system- AI as part of an overall device or as part of a larger service. For example voice assistants within our phones or home smart speakers; and much of the cloud-based software that we use daily is implementing AI in some way. 

Recently, controversy has pushed AI Art to the forefront with the ability for people to generate complex and detailed artworks using just text prompts using platforms such as Midjourney and Stable Diffusion.  

ChatGPT image

One recent breakout service- ChatGPT, has garnered a lot of attention for its accessibility and ease of use. You simply log-in (free of charge) and start interacting with the AI with simple text. For example:

Write a blog article about ‘5 top tips to save with our accounting service’ 


Write an article about skincare for an audience in Newcastle NSW


Write a program outline for a 2 hour mindfulness workshop

If you are wondering how AI can save your business time and money then try it out- the results will amaze you! While implementation into your current systems and software is possible through APIs, the web interface has no tricky coding language or prompts to learn. It is a great way to test out the use of artificial intelligence for your businesses content creation.

Does this remove the need for experts and content creators? We don’t think so, but it does give your team the capacity to create more content without adding extra business resources. 

The results from ChatGPT and others can be a little hit and miss and most content will require some tweaks and adjustments but it can provide an excellent starting point for busy teams.

At the time of writing, Google has just announced its own ChatGPT rival Bard which is also worth a look.

It is an interesting time to be involved in technology- let us assist you in navigating the tech landscape and grow your business by getting in touch today!

We asked ChatCPT to tell us about itself, This is what it had to say:

Streamline Microsoft Office 365

The top automations and actions that will save you time in O365.

There are stacks of options for automation within the Microsoft 365 eco-system. Automation allows you to set up a process that runs automatically to reduce manual processing and repetition.

Microsoft Power Automate is an excellent cloud program in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Previously called Microsoft Flow, Power Automate allows you to create actions that will save you time.

There are also other great automation options around, outside of the Microsoft eco-system such as Zapier,, and Integromat. These can still be integrated with Microsoft 365.

We have put together a quick list of 5 quick and easy automations to get you started.

1. Save email attachments in Outlook to OneDrive

This is fairly simple time saver which automatically saves all of the attachments sent to your Office 365 Email address to a folder in OneDrive for Business. A few tweaks, would allow you to change the folder locations to even sort into folder by date or by sender.

Automate it!

2. Save email attachments from to Dropbox

Similar to the above automation, this one takes attachments received at your email address and saves them to Dropbox. Follow up additions could see you add an email or notification to another email address such as Gmail.

Automate it!

3. Create a task in Planner when a new email arrives in a shared mailbox

This is a handy automation that triggers when an email arrives into a shared mailbox. Let’s say that your company has a customer service or support email address and when an email is received, a task is created in Microsoft Planner with a due date after a specified time. This could be used to create a support ticket for follow up by staff. Assign a due date of how long you would like, say 48 hours to have the issue actioned or resolved. 

Automate it!

4. Email me with a list of upcoming Calendar events

This automation is rather clever, you can schedule it to run whenever is best. It analyses the following week in your calendar, looking for events, flights, hotels, weather information and locations, and sends you a handy summary via email.

Automate It!

5. Email yourself new Tweets about a certain keyword

Easily track tweets containing specific keywords on Twitter, according to your interests. You will get an email every time that your keyword is included in a tweet. This could be a good way to track your brand specific keywords or just keep up on the latest #CatVideos 😺

Automate it!

So, there are a few automations to get you started, but as you can imagine, the options are basically endless. Take a look at some more templates on Microsoft’s Power Automate site.

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