Lost for words? Draft with Copilot can help


Microsoft’s Edge browser is set to introduce a groundbreaking feature that promises to simplify your life and that of your employees significantly. The ‘Draft with Copilot’ is an AI-powered tool designed to instantly generate text on any given topic.

When using Edge, if you encounter an empty text field, such as an email body or a comment box, simply right-click. An option labeled ‘Draft with Copilot’ will appear.

Upon clicking this, a window will emerge. Enter the subject or topic for which you need text, press ‘Generate,’ and observe as Copilot works its magic. Shortly, you’ll receive text tailored to the specified topic.

The tone and length of the text can be adjusted to match your preference. Whether you desire a more formal or casual tone, or require a longer or shorter text, Copilot can accommodate.

Time equates to money, and ‘Draft with Copilot’ is designed to conserve both. Consider the amount of time your team dedicates to composing daily texts. Copilot simplifies the process of drafting emails or creating social media posts.

Moreover, Copilot not only accelerates your writing but also ensures the text is grammatically sound and well-organized. This feature is particularly beneficial when writing in a non-native language.

Currently, this feature supports only US English, but plans are underway to extend it to additional languages.

A word of caution: it’s crucial to review the output. Some critics argue that AI-generated text can seem somewhat generic. Personalizing the content or incorporating specific details may enhance engagement with your audience.

This feature is presently available in the Edge Canary preview build and is undergoing refinement.

Microsoft is progressively incorporating Copilot into a broader range of Windows applications, enhancing the accessibility and versatility of these AI tools across various platforms. The future is poised to offer even more AI-powered conveniences that will streamline our digital experiences.

Haven’t incorporated Copilot into your business operations yet? We can help.

Cyber extortion: What is it and what’s the risk to your business?

Cyber extortion is a pressing issue that’s been dominating headlines and causing widespread concern.

What exactly is cyber extortion? It’s a form of cybercrime where attackers threaten to compromise a business’s data and digital assets unless a ransom is paid. These threats typically involve ransomware, which is malicious software that encrypts data and prevents access until a ransom is paid.

Cybercriminals may escalate their threats by stealing data and threatening to release it on dark web leak sites, a tactic known as double extortion.

A 2024 report indicates a 77% surge in cyber extortion victims over the last year, with small businesses being four times more likely to be targeted than larger ones. This trend is alarming, particularly as smaller businesses usually have less robust defenses against such attacks.

In just the first quarter of this year, double extortion has impacted 1,046 businesses. While this figure may appear small, the true number is likely much higher, as many incidents remain unreported, contributing to what is often referred to as the “dark number” of crime.

All businesses, regardless of their size or industry, are potential cyberattack targets. Certain sectors, however, experience more frequent attacks; manufacturing, professional, scientific, technical services, and wholesale trade are particularly vulnerable. Disturbingly, the healthcare and social assistance sectors have also experienced a surge in attacks, despite the grave societal and political consequences.

Cybercriminals are both opportunistic and strategic, targeting regions with robust economic growth and common languages. For example, cyber extortion incidents in the UK have surged by 96%.

Despite the alarming increase in cyber extortion, there are proactive measures businesses can take to safeguard themselves. Here are some essential strategies:

Data Backup: Establish a solid backup strategy. Store critical data offline or at an offsite location and routinely test your data restoration process.

Software Updates: Ensure all your devices are running the most recent software versions, particularly those with internet connectivity.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enhance access control with MFA, which requires additional verification methods before granting access, such as a code sent to a separate device. Restrict user access to only the necessary systems for their roles.

Patch and Vulnerability Management: Consistently update your systems to address security vulnerabilities. Cybercriminals frequently target known flaws, so diligent patch management can thwart numerous attacks.

Understanding cyber extortion and its mechanisms can significantly enhance your business’s defenses. Remember, proactivity is crucial.

Should you require assistance in preparing your business and ensuring its safety, please contact us.

Protect your business from a data leak with Microsoft Edge


Microsoft Edge for Business has just rolled out new data leak control capabilities, and this could be a game-changer for safeguarding your sensitive information.

What are data leak control capabilities?

In simple terms, these features help prevent your sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. Think of it as an extra lock on your digital doors, ensuring only authorised individuals can access your important data.

Every business handles sensitive information, be it financial records, client details, or proprietary data. A data leak could result in significant consequences: financial losses, legal issues, and damage to your reputation.

This new feature in Microsoft Edge helps keep your data secure by ensuring only authorised personnel can access it and preventing accidental sharing.

Depending on your industry, strict data protection regulations may apply. These new controls can help you remain compliant.

Moreover, your customers are increasingly aware of data privacy. Using a browser with robust data leak controls demonstrates your commitment to protecting their information, enhancing their trust in your business.

Microsoft Edge for Business has integrated this new feature into an easy-to-use package. You can set policies on how data can be shared, such as preventing certain types of data from being copied or emailed to unauthorised recipients, thereby reducing the risk of accidental leaks.

Utilising artificial intelligence, Edge can detect potential threats and unusual data movements, alerting you to a potential leak before it happens, allowing proactive measures.

If you’re already using other Microsoft products like 365 or Microsoft Teams, there’s more good news: Edge for Business integrates seamlessly with them, enabling consistent data protection across all your tools.

Ready to give it a spin? Here’s what to do:

Update your browser: Ensure all your business’s devices are using the latest version of Microsoft Edge for Business to access the newest features and security updates.

Set your policies: Collaborate with your IT support partner to establish data sharing policies that suit your business. Microsoft provides guidelines and templates to help you get started.

Train your team: Educate your employees on the importance of data security and how to use the new features. A quick training session can be very effective.

Monitor and adjust: Keep an eye on how the policies are working and tweak them as needed. Find a balance that keeps your data secure without disrupting your workflow.

Better still, why not let our team handle this for you? Get in touch.

#DataSecurity #MicrosoftEdge #BusinessTools

Are your employees reporting security issues fast enough… or even at all?

Encouraging your team to swiftly report security issues is crucial for safeguarding your business—something you might not have considered before.

You may believe your array of security technologies has you covered. However, it’s essential to remember that your employees are the first line of defence. They play an irreplaceable role in identifying and alerting you to security threats.

Consider this scenario: An employee receives a suspicious email that looks like it’s from a reliable supplier. This is a typical phishing attempt, where a cybercriminal impersonates someone else to steal data.

If the employee ignores it or assumes it’s someone else’s responsibility, this seemingly innocuous email could result in a significant data breach, costing your company dearly.

Surprisingly, fewer than 10% of employees report phishing emails to their security teams. This is concerningly low, possibly because:

  • They might not understand the importance.
  • They fear repercussions if they’re mistaken.
  • They assume it’s someone else’s responsibility.
  • Furthermore, previous experiences of being shamed for mistakes can deter them from speaking up.

A common barrier is that employees often don’t recognize what constitutes a security threat or understand the importance of reporting it. This is where engaging and practical cybersecurity training can make a difference. Instead of dry, technical lectures, use real-life scenarios and simulations of phishing attacks to illustrate the repercussions of unreported issues.

Ensure your security reporting process is simple and direct, with easily accessible tools like quick links on your company’s intranet.

Consistently remind your team how to report issues and make sure to acknowledge their efforts when they do. A simple thank you can reinforce positive behaviour and demonstrate their value to the company.

Fostering a culture that views reporting security issues positively is vital. Leaders should be transparent about their own reporting experiences to set a supportive tone. Consider appointing security champions within departments to provide peer support and demystify the reporting process. Keep security discussions frequent to maintain awareness.

Celebrate the educational value of reported incidents and share success stories to motivate and educate your team.

By simplifying the reporting process and rewarding employees for their vigilance, you’re not only protecting your business but also cultivating a more engaged and proactive workforce.

Promote open communication, continuous learning, and ensure no one is shamed for making mistakes. Quick reporting can mitigate issues effectively, keeping your business secure and operational.

We specialize in assisting businesses with these challenges. If you need our help, please contact us.

You might hold the secret to data security in your finger

The secret to data security could be at your fingertips.

Keeping our data secure is crucial, whether it’s business secrets or personal information. Passwords were once the top method for protection.

But do they still suffice?

Recent reports indicate many still prefer passwords, with a minority choosing biometric options like fingerprints. The reluctance is understandable, given the general concern for data privacy and security.

So, what are biometrics, and why consider them over passwords?

Biometrics utilize unique physical or behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial structure, or eye scans, to confirm identity. They offer a higher security level than passwords, which are vulnerable to being forgotten, stolen, or hacked.

Concerns about biometric data falling into the wrong hands exist, but such incidents are rare and require significant expertise.

Biometrics remain a robust defense against cyber threats, offering more difficulty in duplication and greater convenience than passwords. Forget the hassle of remembering complex passwords—a simple biometric scan suffices.

Unconvinced about biometrics?

Consider passkeys, a modern authentication alternative to traditional passwords. Passkeys employ unique codes that are challenging to phish, enhancing security.

Combining biometrics with passkeys could significantly bolster your business’s security, simplifying security procedures for everyone.

While passwords have been reliable historically, the future of security may lie in biometrics and passkeys.

More businesses are proactively investing in cyber security defences


As more businesses take a proactive approach by investing in their cyber security defences, the trend is encouraging. However, statistics reveal that about half of small and medium-sized businesses still lack any cyber security measures.

If your business is one of them, it’s time to take action.

Cyber security might seem daunting, but it begins with a few straightforward steps. Here are some basics you can implement immediately.

Start by considering encryption and multi-factor authentication (MFA). Encryption acts like a secure vault for your data, ensuring that even if intercepted, your information remains unreadable without the encryption key.

MFA adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a second device, such as your phone, to verify your identity when logging in. Think of it as needing two keys to unlock a door instead of just one.

Using a password manager is another simple step. These tools generate long, random passwords for each account and remember them for you, making life easier while enhancing your business’s security.

Advanced monitoring tools offer additional protection. These tools function like security cameras for your digital space, continuously monitoring for suspicious activity. They alert you to any unusual occurrences, providing early warnings if something’s amiss.

Phishing scams are another threat to be aware of. These scams involve criminals attempting to deceive you into revealing personal information by impersonating trusted entities like suppliers or banks. Educating your team on recognising these scams is vital. If something seems off, it probably is.

Why is investing in cyber security crucial?

  1. Protects your data
  2. Avoids financial loss
  3. Builds trust with your customers and partners

Your business data is valuable, and protecting it safeguards your operations and reputation. Cyber attacks can be costly, not just financially but also in terms of time and resources. Prevention is ALWAYS cheaper than dealing with the aftermath of a breach. Additionally, demonstrating a commitment to security builds trust with your customers and partners, assuring them that their information is safe with you.

Investing in cyber security doesn’t have to be overwhelming. We are experts in this field and are here to help secure your business. Whether you need initial advice or a comprehensive security plan, get in touch.

Copilot is bringing another productivity boost to Teams

If you’re keen on boosting your team’s efficiency to the max (and let’s face it, who isn’t?), you’ll be thrilled with the new enhancements to Microsoft Teams, courtesy of its latest Copilot features.

Picture this: you’re deep in a Teams meeting, brainstorming at full speed. Ideas are zipping back and forth so fast that even the quickest among you can’t catch them all.

But don’t worry. Copilot is here to help. It can transcribe your discussions, comprehend your live chat, and then distill the key takeaways.

And that’s not all. Ever wanted to retract a message and rethink your reply? Copilot has your back there too. It can even offer a new message suggestion on the spot, potentially saving you heaps of time and mental energy.

For regular phone calls, Copilot’s call recap feature is also a game-changer. Subscribers to Teams Premium will appreciate these concise summaries—almost like having the executive assistant you’ve always wanted (though you’ll still need to brew your own coffee).

Additionally, Microsoft has set IntelliFrame as the standard for video calls. Wondering what that is? It’s an AI-driven feature that pinpoints each participant’s video feed, ensuring everyone is clearly visible and properly framed during Teams Rooms calls—no more cut-off faces or vanishing participants.

Enhanced team collaboration, more insightful meetings, and video calls that could pass for a professional broadcast… what’s not to love?

If you haven’t fully leveraged Teams for your business yet, we’re here to assist. Contact us.

Be more productive with these Microsoft Edge features


Boost Your Efficiency with These Top Microsoft Edge Capabilities

For many business leaders and managers, the pursuit of increased productivity is an ongoing endeavour.

Whether it’s about accelerating tasks or enhancing communication, every bit counts. Hence, leveraging the tools at your disposal becomes essential.

While you may regard your web browser simply as a portal to the web, Microsoft Edge on Windows 11 offers much more. It’s packed with features designed to enhance your efficiency.

Here are five standout features we think you’ll love.

  1. Split Screen for Efficient Multitasking

Every business owner must master multitasking, and the split screen functionality in Microsoft Edge simplifies this like never before. Whether you’re comparing websites, exploring various topics, or monitoring multiple sites at once, the split screen allows you to view two pages side by side in the same window. It’s akin to having dual monitors, minus the extra hardware.

  1. Vertical Tabs for Efficient Browsing

Overwhelmed by too many open tabs? Microsoft Edge’s vertical tabs are here to help. This setup arranges your tabs vertically on the edge of your screen, making it simpler to switch between them and access essential options such as closing or muting tabs.

  1. Workspaces for Effective Collaboration

Collaboration is crucial in any business setting. The Workspaces feature in Microsoft Edge streamlines teamwork like never before. Set up a workspace with a selection of tabs and share it with your team through a straightforward link. This is ideal for coordinating on projects, managing tasks, or conducting team meetings.

  1. Collections for Streamlined Research

Compiling information is a common task for many professionals. The Collections feature in Microsoft Edge facilitates this by allowing you to quickly save and categorise text, images, and videos from the internet into tailored collections. This helps keep your research organised and your focus sharp.

  1. Immersive Reader for Focused Reading

When it’s time to concentrate on reading online content, on-page distractions can be a nuisance. The Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge offers a distraction-free environment by eliminating adverts, links, and other extraneous elements. Adjust the text size, spacing, and colour to your liking, and even listen to the content read aloud for a hands-free experience.

If you haven’t yet incorporated Microsoft Edge on Windows 11 into your business operations, now might be the perfect moment to make the switch. Need assistance transitioning? Contact us.

Get in Touch!

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Don’t think your business is a target? Think again

Believing your business is too small for cybercriminal attention? It’s time to reconsider.

It’s a common misconception that cyber criminals exclusively target large corporations or those with significant financial resources, lured by the prospect of hefty payoffs. However, this isn’t the full picture.

Recent findings indicate that cyber attackers are broadening their horizons, aiming at companies of every scale – from solo entrepreneurs to multinational conglomerates. A key tool in their arsenal? Botnets.

If you’re puzzling over what a botnet is and its relevance to you, here’s the scoop: botnets are cyber criminals’ clandestine forces, consisting of hijacked devices commandeered by a sinister overseer. These devices range widely, from personal computers to, surprisingly, smart refrigerators. Indeed, even household appliances can be weaponised in the cyber realm.

A notable study highlighted “massive surges” in botnet activities, witnessing over a million devices embroiled in malicious exploits at peak times. To give you an idea of the scale, this activity level is a hundredfold increase over typical botnet operations.

On an average day, about 10,000 devices might engage in malevolent actions, with 20,000 being an exceptional peak previously recorded by researchers. Yet, in December 2023, the figure soared to 35,144, and within a fortnight, it climbed further to 43,194. The most staggering spike observed was 143,957 devices simultaneously involved in nefarious activities, with the dawn of January 2024 seeing spikes surpass a million devices!

The motive behind these operations? Botnets scour the internet for vulnerabilities in websites, servers, and email systems, exploiting any weakness found.

Imagine the internet as a fortress peppered with various entryways. These cyber criminals diligently search for any unguarded access points, focusing on specific “ports” to infiltrate.

So, how can you fortify your business against these digital threats?

Strengthening your digital “fortress” involves several key steps:

  • Ensure all software, operating systems, and applications are consistently updated to patch any security holes.
  • Deploy robust firewall and antivirus solutions to safeguard your technology.
  • Train your team on cyber security awareness, emphasizing caution with dubious links and emails.
  • Implement stringent, unique passwords across all accounts and devices.
  • Conduct regular data backups to mitigate data loss risks from cyber attacks.
  • Monitor your networks for any signs of abnormal activities.
  • Consider consulting with a cyber security specialist (like our team) to review and boost your defences.

Interested in bolstering your business’s cyber security? Reach out for expert assistance.

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Before you replace your slow PCs…

Your team’s efficiency and productivity are crucial, but sluggish computers can hinder their work – potentially affecting you personally and your business’s overall performance.

Think twice before you decide to replace your PCs; there are several strategies to enhance computer performance on Windows 10 and 11. Here are some effective tips:

Restart Your Computer

Often overlooked, a simple shutdown and restart can significantly improve performance. This process clears background processes, applications, and memory data, resolving common issues, particularly if your computer has been on for an extended period.

Manage Start-Up Apps

A multitude of apps may be set to automatically start with Windows 11, slowing down your system’s boot time. To streamline start-up, you can disable unneeded apps:

  • Navigate to Settings
  • Select Apps
  • Choose the Start-up page
  • Arrange apps by “Start-up impact”
  • Deactivate the toggle switch for apps you don’t need
  • Reboot your computer

This action prevents these apps from auto-launching at start-up, conserving system resources.

Disable Restartable Apps

Windows 11’s feature to save and restart certain apps upon rebooting might seem handy but can dampen performance. To disable it:

  • Access Settings
  • Choose Accounts
  • Visit the Sign-in options page
  • Turn off the “Automatically save my restartable apps and restart them when I sign back in” toggle

This adjustment can enhance your computer’s speed, especially for those who have many infrequently used applications.

Uninstall Unnecessary Apps

Superfluous apps can clutter your system, slowing it down. To remove them:

  • Open Settings
  • Click on Apps
  • Head to the Installed apps page
  • Pick the app you wish to uninstall and select the Uninstall option
  • Follow any additional prompts

Eliminating unneeded apps frees up space and resources, boosting performance.

Be mindful of the software you install. Substandard or outdated applications can negatively affect your system. Opt for reputable apps, ideally from the Microsoft Store, as they undergo rigorous security and performance reviews.

Before installing software, research user experiences and potential issues online. Trustworthy sources and reputable companies are generally safer bets.

Optimising your current Windows computers could save you from needing an upgrade. Alternatively, our team can handle the optimisation for you, checking your computers and network for hidden issues. Contact us for assistance.

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