Which ransomware payment option is best? (Hint: none)

Imagine this scenario: Your business is suddenly struck by a ransomware attack, leaving your crucial data under lock and key by cybercriminals who demand a hefty ransom to release it. The price to regain access? It’s steep, and you’re not in a position to meet their demands. But here’s where it gets interesting – in a twist reminiscent of “buy now, pay later” deals, some ransomware operators are now offering victims the option to extend their payment deadlines. Recent studies have shed light on how these ransomware syndicates are evolving their tactics. Among their new strategies is offering victims a menu of ransom options. This includes the choice to pay a fee of $10,000 to postpone the public release of their stolen data or to pay for the complete deletion of their data before it goes public. Negotiations over the ransom amount add a deeply unsettling aspect to these encounters. To ramp up the pressure, these groups have introduced some harrowing new features on their websites, such as countdown timers that tick away the minutes until the data leak, counters that track page views, and tags that blatantly expose the identity and details of their victims. The intention behind these tactics is clear: to back victims into a corner and push them towards meeting the ransom demands. You may think paying the ransom is the quickest way to safeguard your business data, but here’s why that’s a risky move: Paying doesn’t ensure the return of your data or prevent future demands for more money. By paying, you’re indirectly supporting criminal activities, encouraging them to target more victims. Making ransom payments could also land you in legal hot water, as paying cybercriminals is considered illegal in some jurisdictions. So, how can you protect your business from becoming the next victim of a ransomware attack? Regular, secure data backups can save you from being held hostage by cyber threats. Educate your team on the dangers of ransomware and how to spot phishing attempts and dubious links. Invest in high-quality cyber security solutions and keep them updated. Regularly update your systems and apply security patches without delay. Segregate your network to contain ransomware spread should an infection occur. Have a detailed incident response strategy ready for potential ransomware attacks. Choosing to pay ransomware demands often leads to more problems, with businesses that comply becoming repeated targets. Instead, focusing on preventative measures can offer a stronger defense. Should you need assistance enhancing your cyber security posture, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Bridging the trust gap between your employees and AI


You may have been contemplating the advantages of leveraging AI to enhance your business’s efficiency and productivity.

However, there’s a slight hiccup. A recent study has uncovered an intriguing yet somewhat expected issue: a gap in trust concerning AI in the workplace.

Although you view AI as a tremendous opportunity for transforming your business, your employees may harbour concerns and fears about their job security.

Here’s a brief overview of the study’s findings:

62% of C-suite executives are in favour of AI, in contrast to only 52% of employees feeling the same excitement.
23% of employees are sceptical about their organisation’s dedication to protecting employee interests during AI adoption.
Yet, 70% of business leaders argue that AI should involve human oversight and intervention, indicating they see AI as a support system rather than a substitute.
Understanding this, how can you smoothly integrate AI and reassure your team about the security of their positions?

Begin with transparent and candid discussions with your staff. Clarify the reasons behind adopting AI and its benefits for both the organisation and individual roles. Demonstrate that AI is intended to assist, not to replace.

Provide training that equips your staff with the skills necessary to collaborate with AI. Empower them by illustrating how AI can make their work more engaging and meaningful.

Stress that your AI initiatives aim to augment human skills, not replace them. Inform your team that AI will take over mundane tasks, freeing them to concentrate on the more creative and strategic aspects of their jobs.

Establish explicit rules for responsible AI usage within your company. Emphasise your dedication to ethical practices and ensure that all employees are informed about these guidelines.

Engage your employees in the AI integration process. Value their feedback, address their concerns, and involve them in crafting solutions. This demonstrates your appreciation for their input.

Promote a culture of ongoing learning. Assure your employees that they will have continuous opportunities for professional growth and development, keeping them relevant and indispensable in an AI-enhanced workplace.

Incorporating AI into your workplace need not be a source of worry for your staff. AI represents a pathway to growth and innovation, not a danger to employment security.

Should you require assistance in introducing suitable AI tools in an appropriate manner, please contact us.


Microsoft wants you to pay for updates

Microsoft has recently made a significant announcement regarding the future of Windows 10. Beginning on the 14th of October 2025, they will discontinue the provision of free support and security updates for this operating system.

While the notion of paying for updates may raise a few eyebrows, it’s important to view this decision within a broader context. By 2025, Windows 10 will have been around for a decade, and it’s highly likely that Microsoft will have already introduced Windows 12. Furthermore, Windows 11 is already available today.

Managing multiple outdated operating systems can be a substantial task, even for a tech giant like Microsoft.

Although 2025 may seem distant, it’s prudent to start evaluating your options now. Here are the choices available to you:

Option 1: Transition to Windows 11

Microsoft’s preferred course of action is for users to migrate to Windows 11. It boasts impressive features and will continue to receive free updates until it reaches its end of life.

Option 2: Stay with Windows 10 and subscribe for security updates

You can opt to remain on Windows 10, but you will need to pay for security updates (though new features won’t be included). The exact cost remains uncertain, but it’s likely to be a subscription model for monthly updates.

Option 3: Remain on Windows 10 without updates (not recommended)

Certainly, you can continue using Windows 10 without paying, but this is not advisable. Without updates, your business’s PCs will become vulnerable to security threats and issues. Furthermore, without Microsoft’s support to address problems, even tech experts like us will have no recourse for assistance. We strongly discourage choosing this option.

You have until October 2025 to make your decision, so there’s no need to rush. However, if you wish to ensure your business’s success in the coming years, we highly recommend considering the upgrade to Windows 11 sooner rather than later. You’ll immediately benefit from some features that can enhance your processes and streamline your team’s tasks.

If you are contemplating the transition to Windows 11 or exploring other possibilities, please know that we are here to facilitate a smooth and hassle-free transition. Feel free to get in touch with us; we’re ready to assist you.

You’ve heard of Copilot… but what is it?

What if we told you your business could have its own personal assistant that’s always ready to help, can answer virtually any question, and even change system settings on your devices? It might sound too good to be true, but thanks to Microsoft’s innovative new AI chatbot, Copilot, it’s a reality. Imagine this: You’re busy. Your day is packed with meetings, and you need to quickly find information or change a setting on your device. What do you do? Instead of panicking or wasting time you don’t have, just ask Copilot. It’s the new kid on the block, replacing Cortana as Microsoft’s go-to AI assistant. But what makes Copilot stand out from the crowd? Well, it’s built into the Microsoft Edge browser and integrated directly into Windows 11, allowing it to perform a broader range of tasks than ever before. Ever tried to find a specific setting on your device and ended up lost in a sea of menus? With Copilot, you can simply ask it to change the setting for you. But Copilot isn’t part of the operating system. It’s more like a bonus feature of the Microsoft Edge browser that’s been cleverly disguised to look like a native part of Windows 11. When you summon Copilot, a sidebar appears from the right, revealing an interface identical to Bing Chat’s web version. Here, you can set your conversation style and ask questions on virtually any topic. From “Make me a picture of a tropical beach with palm trees” to “Create a five-day itinerary for my business trip in March,” Copilot is ready to assist. The best bit? Copilot understands context, meaning you can ask follow-up questions without repeating specific keywords. It’s like having a conversation with a real person. You can also use Copilot to get answers from any page on Microsoft Edge. Simply ask something like, “Give me a summary of the page I have opened on Microsoft Edge,” and Copilot will scan the webpage content and respond accordingly. So, what’s the catch? Well, the preview of Copilot in the Windows 11 2023 update doesn’t reflect the final product that Microsoft plans to roll out. But they’re continually polishing the interface and will be adding more features in future updates. While it might still be finding its feet, there’s no denying its potential. If you’d like a hand navigating Copilot, or any other productivity tools, get in touch.

It’s time to say goodbye to traditional passwords

Have you ever envisioned a world where those lengthy, easily forgotten, and often complex passwords would fade into obscurity? Well, it appears that day might be closer than we thought.

Google has now officially made Passkeys the default method for signing in to all personal accounts on its network, marking the dawn of a new era in online security.

Now, you might be wondering, “What exactly is a Passkey?”

In essence, it’s the future of internet safety. Picture this: logging into your account with a simple four-digit PIN or your biometric data, such as fingerprints or facial recognition. Sounds straightforward, right?

But don’t be fooled by its simplicity. This groundbreaking technology significantly reduces the risk of cybercriminals swiping your credentials or hijacking your account.

So, how do Passkeys operate?

Creating a Passkey is a breeze. Just visit Google’s official Passkeys website, where you can set up a PIN or link your biometrics (fingerprint or face), connect your smartphone, and you’re good to go.

Keep in mind that your computer should be running at least Windows 10, or your Mac should have macOS Ventura or a newer version. On your mobile device, you’ll need Android 9 or iOS 16.

As of now, this technology is compatible with Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Google Chrome browsers.

Now, let’s talk about the perks of using Passkeys.

According to Google, a whopping 64% of users find Passkeys easier to use than traditional login methods. They’re not only simpler and more secure but also quicker. Logging in with a Passkey is a remarkable 40% faster than using a conventional password.

But what’s on the horizon?

Google’s decision to adopt Passkeys as the default sign-in method is just the beginning. The tech giant is already collaborating with select partners to extend this new login approach to Chrome and Android. It’s already available on platforms like Uber and eBay, with plans to expand to WhatsApp in the near future.

Therefore, it might be prudent to start considering how Passkeys can benefit your business. After all, Google could soon introduce this feature for business accounts as well.

In the meantime, if you’re not quite ready to embrace Passkeys, you do have the option to opt-out. Simply head to the Sign-in options page, locate “Skip Password When Possible,” and switch it off.

We strongly recommend giving it a try to experience the increased convenience and enhanced security it offers. And, of course, if you need any assistance, feel free to reach out to us. Your online security matters to us!

Are you using the all-new Teams yet?

Microsoft is rolling out a brand-new version of Teams, its video conference, collaboration, and chat platform. We’re being promised a faster and easier way to work. And we all could use a bit of that, couldn’t we? The new Teams is like the superhero of apps for Windows and Mac. It’s faster than a speeding bullet… well, at least twice as fast as the classic version. Plus, it’s on a diet, using up to 50% less memory and disk space. Microsoft went back to the drawing board to reimagine it, make it simpler and more flexible. Now Teams:
  • Plays better with third-party apps
  • Is happier calling phones outside of Teams
  • Gets you into meetings quicker than you can say “not another meeting”
This pumped-up version of Teams uses some tech which allows it to share resources with your browser. That reduces how much memory and disk space it needs. And the initial test results? Teams is twice as quick when loading the app, joining meetings, and switching chats and channels. This isn’t just for businesses using Windows. Teams on Mac is also getting this performance boost. Microsoft promises this update will be a game-changer for your productivity. They’ve improved the user interface, adding in a “mark all as read” feature in activity. Plus, they’re introducing Copilot, an AI assistant that can summarise key points from your chats and calls. Sort of like having your very own personal assistant, just without the coffee runs. Are you ready to switch to the new and improved Teams? It’s rolling out now. Look at the top left corner of your Teams app… if you see “try the new Teams”, then you can flick the switch and try it out. If you need help with Teams for your business, get in touch.

Never mind “can’t teach an old dog new tricks”…

New research has uncovered an unexpected twist in the tale of cyber security risks – your tech-savvy younger employees may be your biggest vulnerability.

Shocked? Let’s dive into the details.

More than 6,500 employees across the globe were surveyed, with an almost equal representation of demographics. The results were rather alarming.

The study found that younger office workers, those 40 or under, are more likely to disregard standard password safety guidelines. Can you believe that 34% admitted to using their birth dates as passwords, compared to just 19% of those over 40?

And it doesn’t stop there.

The habit of using the same password across multiple devices was also more prevalent among younger workers, with 38% admitting to doing this.

And let’s not even get started on phishing scams. A whopping 23% of the younger demographic didn’t report the last phishing attempt they received. Their reasoning? “I didn’t think it was important”.

But surely they understand the gravity of security threats against businesses, right? Well, not quite.

While ransomware and phishing were acknowledged as critical threats by 23% and 22% of employees respectively, the overall attitude towards cyber security leaves much to be desired.

Here’s the kicker: a staggering number of those surveyed revealed that their organisations did NOT provide any mandatory cyber security training.

From the US (30%) to the UK (17%), Netherlands (32%), Japan (35%), India (31%), Germany (22%), France (43%), Australia (29%) and China (65%) – the numbers speak for themselves.

So, are we really to blame our young workforce when it’s clear that businesses aren’t doing enough to equip their employees with the necessary cyber security skills?

It’s high time we stopped treating cyber security as an afterthought and started investing in regular cyber awareness training for everyone in our businesses. Yes, EVERYONE. Not just the tech team or the executives, but every single employee.

At the end of the day, it’s not just about protecting your business; it’s about creating a safer digital world for us all.

We can help you do that. Get in touch.

Get ready for another game-changer from Teams

Imagine a setup where artificial intelligence (AI) refines your business communication and lifts your productivity to unparalleled heights.

Seems like something out of a sci-fi film, doesn’t it? However, thanks to Microsoft’s recent revelation, that futuristic vision is almost within reach.

Microsoft Teams is rolling out an ‘AI library’ aimed at transforming how we interact within Teams.

The objective?

To enable developers to embed Large Language Models (LLMs), such as the renowned ChatGPT, into their Teams applications. So, how could this benefit your enterprise? Essentially, you’d have an advanced AI at your fingertips during Teams discussions.

Currently being deployed, this AI library will offer developers an array of coding options to effortlessly incorporate LLMs into their software. This simplifies the process of designing Bots, Message Extensions, and Adaptive Cards for more dynamic conversation experiences.

Microsoft assures that this AI toolkit will also facilitate the smooth transition of pre-existing Bots, Message Extensions, and Adaptive Cards features into Teams.

Is this the same firm that launched the Copilot utility? Absolutely! Earlier in March 2023, Microsoft rolled out GPT-4 integration across Microsoft 365 via their Copilot feature, capable of drafting emails, assembling reports, and, in their own lofty words, helping you “rediscover the essence of work.” Who would have thought AI could wax lyrical?

Let’s also not overlook the newly released feature that employs AI to auto-generate meeting minutes, recommend subsequent steps, and even insert timeline markers for quick reference to significant segments of a call.

Microsoft Teams is set on reshaping our AI interactions. This goes beyond mere convenience; it opens up fresh avenues for operational productivity and effectiveness. Frankly, we’re eager to witness the innovations this new AI library will introduce.

If you’re keen to maximise the utility of Teams throughout your organisation, please get in touch.

Beware these “too good to be true” Facebook ads

Ever found yourself mindlessly scrolling through Facebook when an ad suddenly appears, claiming to boost your business with cutting-edge AI tech? It’s tempting to click and explore, isn’t it?

Hold on a moment—that’s a major red flag!

Cybercriminals have been crafting Facebook ads that lure you in with promises of enhancing productivity and profits. The catch? The software they encourage you to download is actually malware.

Once this malicious software infiltrates your computer, the culprits gain access to your Facebook data, including your ad spending budget.

You might think, “I’d never fall for something so blatantly dodgy.” But let’s keep it real. When you’re multitasking as a small business owner, it’s all too easy to get caught up. These hackers are savvy; they disguise their fake offers well and hide malware on your computer, making it challenging to detect.

So, how do you safeguard yourself? Firstly, always question offers that sound too ideal—they usually are. Before clicking on an ad, do a quick Google search to authenticate the advertiser.

Most importantly, fortify your Facebook account’s security. Implement two-factor authentication, requiring a second device to confirm your identity during login.

While these cybercriminals are crafty, they’re not foolproof. For instance, the original malware had several Vietnamese keywords, which helped researchers expose the scam.

This serves as yet another compelling warning of the critical role cybersecurity plays. Running a business is a balancing act, and adding another layer of security might feel like one too many balls in the air.

However, consider this: would you rather invest a small amount of time now to secure your account or face the daunting task of handling a security breach later?

As the adage goes, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.” So, stay vigilant, secure your digital assets, and if you need help doing so, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Tempted to test new features before everyone else? DON’T BE!

Ever felt the urge to download the beta version of your go-to app, eager to experience all those shiny new features ahead of the crowd?


A recent alert from the FBI might make you reconsider.

Cybercriminals are getting craftier, hiding nasty bits of code in bogus beta versions of popular apps. The end result? Your smartphone could become their personal cash machine.

Now, don’t misunderstand us; we’re as keen on tech innovations as anyone. But the thing about beta versions is, they haven’t undergone the strict security vetting that official app store offerings have.

These tricksters often send out phishing emails posing as app developers, promising early access to new beta features.

But here’s the catch: those apps are far from legit. Once downloaded, they can wreak all kinds of havoc, from plundering your financial apps to gaining control of your phone.

What if your team downloads one of these onto a company device? Could that put your business at risk?

So, here’s the takeaway: Good things come to those who wait. Resist the lure of beta versions and stick to officially released apps in trusted stores. If you’ve dabbled in beta versions before, watch out for warning signs like rapid battery drain, sluggish performance, relentless pop-up ads, or suspicious permission requests.

In today’s digital landscape, we need to be as clever and cautious as the gadgets we use. Before you hit that download button, pause and ponder: is the risk worth the reward?

Educate your staff to exercise the same caution. And if you’re providing them with work phones, you might want to look into a Mobile Device Management solution to keep things in check.

Need help fortifying your devices? We’re here to assist. Just drop us a line.