Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Small to Medium Business with ChatGPT

The implementation of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning for small to medium businesses is becoming more accessible all of the time. Still, for many people, the concept of AI has remained something of an abstract idea. 

For most people engagement with AI usually forms part of a larger system- AI as part of an overall device or as part of a larger service. For example voice assistants within our phones or home smart speakers; and much of the cloud-based software that we use daily is implementing AI in some way. 

Recently, controversy has pushed AI Art to the forefront with the ability for people to generate complex and detailed artworks using just text prompts using platforms such as Midjourney and Stable Diffusion.  

ChatGPT image

One recent breakout service- ChatGPT, has garnered a lot of attention for its accessibility and ease of use. You simply log-in (free of charge) and start interacting with the AI with simple text. For example:

Write a blog article about ‘5 top tips to save with our accounting service’ 


Write an article about skincare for an audience in Newcastle NSW


Write a program outline for a 2 hour mindfulness workshop

If you are wondering how AI can save your business time and money then try it out- the results will amaze you! While implementation into your current systems and software is possible through APIs, the web interface has no tricky coding language or prompts to learn. It is a great way to test out the use of artificial intelligence for your businesses content creation.

Does this remove the need for experts and content creators? We don’t think so, but it does give your team the capacity to create more content without adding extra business resources. 

The results from ChatGPT and others can be a little hit and miss and most content will require some tweaks and adjustments but it can provide an excellent starting point for busy teams.

At the time of writing, Google has just announced its own ChatGPT rival Bard which is also worth a look.

It is an interesting time to be involved in technology- let us assist you in navigating the tech landscape and grow your business by getting in touch today!

We asked ChatCPT to tell us about itself, This is what it had to say:

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