Don’t think your business is a target? Think again

Believing your business is too small for cybercriminal attention? It’s time to reconsider.

It’s a common misconception that cyber criminals exclusively target large corporations or those with significant financial resources, lured by the prospect of hefty payoffs. However, this isn’t the full picture.

Recent findings indicate that cyber attackers are broadening their horizons, aiming at companies of every scale – from solo entrepreneurs to multinational conglomerates. A key tool in their arsenal? Botnets.

If you’re puzzling over what a botnet is and its relevance to you, here’s the scoop: botnets are cyber criminals’ clandestine forces, consisting of hijacked devices commandeered by a sinister overseer. These devices range widely, from personal computers to, surprisingly, smart refrigerators. Indeed, even household appliances can be weaponised in the cyber realm.

A notable study highlighted “massive surges” in botnet activities, witnessing over a million devices embroiled in malicious exploits at peak times. To give you an idea of the scale, this activity level is a hundredfold increase over typical botnet operations.

On an average day, about 10,000 devices might engage in malevolent actions, with 20,000 being an exceptional peak previously recorded by researchers. Yet, in December 2023, the figure soared to 35,144, and within a fortnight, it climbed further to 43,194. The most staggering spike observed was 143,957 devices simultaneously involved in nefarious activities, with the dawn of January 2024 seeing spikes surpass a million devices!

The motive behind these operations? Botnets scour the internet for vulnerabilities in websites, servers, and email systems, exploiting any weakness found.

Imagine the internet as a fortress peppered with various entryways. These cyber criminals diligently search for any unguarded access points, focusing on specific “ports” to infiltrate.

So, how can you fortify your business against these digital threats?

Strengthening your digital “fortress” involves several key steps:

  • Ensure all software, operating systems, and applications are consistently updated to patch any security holes.
  • Deploy robust firewall and antivirus solutions to safeguard your technology.
  • Train your team on cyber security awareness, emphasizing caution with dubious links and emails.
  • Implement stringent, unique passwords across all accounts and devices.
  • Conduct regular data backups to mitigate data loss risks from cyber attacks.
  • Monitor your networks for any signs of abnormal activities.
  • Consider consulting with a cyber security specialist (like our team) to review and boost your defences.

Interested in bolstering your business’s cyber security? Reach out for expert assistance.

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