SHOCK STAT: A third of business owners don’t trust their staff

Do you have faith in your employees to handle sensitive information securely?

You might find this statistic startling…

Nearly one-third of small and medium-sized enterprise leaders firmly distrust their staff with confidential data!

Could it be due to Jim in accounts leaving his password on a sticky note under his keyboard? Or is it the result of previous negative experiences?

Regardless, it’s evident that mere trust isn’t sufficient for safeguarding data.

We contend that the issue lies not with your employees, but rather in the absence of robust training and security protocols.

So, what’s the solution?

Initiating comprehensive training for all staff is a straightforward starting point. This equips them with the necessary skills, techniques, and knowledge to identify and respond effectively to potential threats.

Consider this: a well-informed workforce is a lesser threat to your business’s digital infrastructure. They essentially become the frontline in defense, bolstering your company’s security and drastically cutting down the likelihood of a data breach.

Then, consider your security strategies. Numerous firms acknowledge their current technology and procedures are inadequate for safeguarding sensitive information.

This is where our expertise comes into play. We can tailor your system to ensure individuals access only the data they need.

But our involvement doesn’t end there. We also work to establish robust policies regarding data sharing, access to sensitive information, and procedures for when an employee departs. In doing so, we contribute to fostering a more secure workplace for everyone.

Here’s a reality check: trust alone is insufficient for data security. However, with the appropriate training and security measures, your employees can shift from being potential risks to key assets.

Are you prepared to transition from a state of apprehension and distrust to one of empowerment and assurance? Contact us to begin.