Get ready for another game-changer from Teams

Imagine a setup where artificial intelligence (AI) refines your business communication and lifts your productivity to unparalleled heights.

Seems like something out of a sci-fi film, doesn’t it? However, thanks to Microsoft’s recent revelation, that futuristic vision is almost within reach.

Microsoft Teams is rolling out an ‘AI library’ aimed at transforming how we interact within Teams.

The objective?

To enable developers to embed Large Language Models (LLMs), such as the renowned ChatGPT, into their Teams applications. So, how could this benefit your enterprise? Essentially, you’d have an advanced AI at your fingertips during Teams discussions.

Currently being deployed, this AI library will offer developers an array of coding options to effortlessly incorporate LLMs into their software. This simplifies the process of designing Bots, Message Extensions, and Adaptive Cards for more dynamic conversation experiences.

Microsoft assures that this AI toolkit will also facilitate the smooth transition of pre-existing Bots, Message Extensions, and Adaptive Cards features into Teams.

Is this the same firm that launched the Copilot utility? Absolutely! Earlier in March 2023, Microsoft rolled out GPT-4 integration across Microsoft 365 via their Copilot feature, capable of drafting emails, assembling reports, and, in their own lofty words, helping you “rediscover the essence of work.” Who would have thought AI could wax lyrical?

Let’s also not overlook the newly released feature that employs AI to auto-generate meeting minutes, recommend subsequent steps, and even insert timeline markers for quick reference to significant segments of a call.

Microsoft Teams is set on reshaping our AI interactions. This goes beyond mere convenience; it opens up fresh avenues for operational productivity and effectiveness. Frankly, we’re eager to witness the innovations this new AI library will introduce.

If you’re keen to maximise the utility of Teams throughout your organisation, please get in touch.