World Data Privacy Day – 28 January

Today, January 28, is World Data Privacy Day. Started as an educational initiative to raise awareness for businesses and users about the importance of protecting the privacy of their personal information online, the scope has grown over the years. 

This is a great opportunity to learn more about protecting your data, whether it be for business, family or personal situations. The National Cybersecurity Alliance has this excellent resource site about How To Stay Safe Online if you, or someone you know, needs a refresher. It is an excellent resource to send around your business.

Take a look at these extra resources and our recent security related articles below for some more information and remember to stay safe online!

Viruses, Ransomware & Phishing, Oh My! Part 1

Threats to computer systems are constantly evolving and getting more advanced, while also causing more serious problems. In the early days, it was enough to have a basic antivirus program on your computer that would stop viruses and malware from affecting your computer…

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Viruses, Ransomware & Phishing, Oh My! Part 2

Ransomware is something that has been in the news a lot lately. As more of our systems and services have an online component, criminal syndicates are creating ways to take advantage of this for financial gain. A ransomware program has the ability to gain access to a system and spread, it works away in the background of a device and, in essence, can lock you out of your data by encrypting it or even moving it…

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Viruses, Ransomware & Phishing, Oh My! Part 3

Phishing attacks attempt to trick you into providing hackers or scammers with your information. This might be your passwords, bank details or personal information. A phishing attack often arrives in the form of an email with a clickable link. The email may look like a legitimate email from a friend or trusted company or it could look like a simple link to a shared file…

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